Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Tutorial 4 & 5 Video Production Sessions

Provide a brief summary of the services offered by You Tube.
You Tube is a video sharing website where users can upload, view and share video clips. You Tube has become very popular as it allows anyone to make their own short video and share it with the world. The videos you upload to You Tube can be made privite or public. There are many different types of videos that are put on ranging from educational ones to entertaining ones. You Tube allows you to share videos with family and friends. It can also help to connect people and let them share there ideas. It also allows amiteur videographers get there work out there for people to see.
Retrieved 28th May 2008 from http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/You_tube

Provide a brief account on how the use of planning aided your groups short film.
We were given the task to make a short video on student life in Dunedin. We got into groups of four and drew a story board so we new roughly what we would film. Pictues were drawn so we wouldnt miss out on any pic we wanted. We chose to base ours around the polytech area and look at one of the flats. Using the story board to plan firrst helped alot as it allowed us to get all our ideas out there because it was better to have to many as we could always delete them.

Once we had filmed everyting we wanted we then had to edit the video. The story board was helpful as when we had drawn it we had also planned the order to but the things we filmed in so this made the process go alot quiker.

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